I was born on the 12 December 1956 in Lefke .My father worked at CMC mines Coorporation.My mother is a house wife. I finished the Lefke İstiklal primary school ,Lefke Gazi Lycee, and after the Cengiz Topel Art Institute .1978 I have gratudated from the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Çukurova University in Turkey. I finished my army duty as a officer in 1981.
I stared to work as a mechanical engineer in the Foundry and Metal Construction Factory of the Cyprus Turkish Industrial Enterprices Company.1984 I have got a scholarship from the Federal Republic of Germany over the research and development of the Metals. I have accomplished my scholarship at the VW car factory in Wolsburg. After return to Cyprus I worked until 1998 at the Metal Factory as a factory manager.
1998 I started to work at NEU, as a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering department, and General Coordinator of the Neu Industrial plants. I finished my Master of Science degree at Neu, and still I am a doctorate student at Neu.
I can English, and German . I am married and have one son.